Everlywell Food Sensitivity Test: My Personal & Honest Review

For as long as I can remember, I have had some sort of stomach issues. The symptoms would come and go, and it wasn’t serious enough for concern, so I would forget about it and keep eating whatever I wanted. After much weight gain and being fed up with feeling fatigued and sluggish all the time, I finally had enough. About a month ago I decided to take my health more seriously and reached out to a personal trainer friend of mine for a meal guide and workout plan. I was so excited and couldn’t wait to start this new lifestyle. 

These new eating habits restricted a lot of unhealthy foods from my everyday diet and I started to feel better almost immediately. I had more energy, I wasn’t tired for no reason, and I no longer had that sluggish weighed down feeling. The first couple of days I really wanted to give up, but I know myself and I powered through it. The cravings became less and the gym got easier, but even after 5 weeks, I was still having issues with going to the bathroom regularly, indigestion, and bloating. I knew that by this point I had to figure out what was going on, and I didn’t have time for the “process by elimination” method. I saw an advertisement for Everlywell diagnostic testing, particularly their food sensitivity test and my interest was peaked. I decided to place an order. 

No Health Insurance, No Problem!

I don’t have health insurance right now (under my current employer it is VERY expensive and since my family and I are relatively healthy, I decided to not take it), so I knew this would be a more cost-effective route than going to the doctor’s office, being charged for a doctor’s visit and then being charged for the lab testing too. There was also a discount code so I received it at a cheaper price because of a special Everlywell was running. Use code FS20 at checkout to save 20% off. This offer is good until April 4, 2021. I ordered my test online and it arrived within a week. The first thing you do is register your test online where you create a login to track the status and receive your results. I liked this because I can conveniently access my results at any time. 

I watched the instructional step by step video on Youtube so I knew exactly what I needed to do in order to not mess up my sample. Once my test arrived, I was very careful to follow the clear instructions. One thing I cannot stress enough is to have your “sample station” setup before you start. Have the information cards filled out and have everything laid out and ready to go. Your blood sample is tested against 96 different foods, including vegetables, fruits, spices, etc. You prick your own finger and let your blood soak into the sample card which has 8 circles on it. Each circle needs to be completely filled with blood. Then you carefully put your sample into the provided mailing envelope, affix your prepaid return label, and drop it off at the post office. I sent the test back and anxiously awaited my results.

Everlywell provides you with a type of ranking scale on how your blood reacts to certain foods. One of the features I loved was that I was able to track the test’s status from beginning to end. I want to say I received my results within 2 weeks, only because there was a hiccup with my sample. They had to verify my collection date because they couldn’t read my handwriting. The results are sent to you via email and you are able to login to the portal and view your results.

Everlywell Food Sensitivity Test Results

I WAS SHOCKED! Honestly I couldn’t believe what I was reading and it all clicked in that moment. Foods that I was consuming everyday were making me sick. Even the foods that were a part of my new healthy lifestyle.

Cow’s milk, egg whites, and chicken were the evils behind the madness. I did some research and maybe I was naïve, but milk and eggs ARE IN EVERYTHING. Even in some candies *insert cringe emoji*. Needless to say, I am now a bigger label reader than ever before when it comes to food and beverages. And chicken…. I L O V E chicken. I was eating chicken almost everyday. Luckily, chicken wasn’t one of the highly reactive foods for me so I eat it in moderation. Cow’s milk and egg whites were my main concern because I reacted highly to both. Even the coffee I was drinking everyday, which was black and lightly sweetened, contained eggs and milk upon further inspection.

Since I have cut out the majority of the foods I reacted highly to and also some of the ones I reacted moderately to, I have felt so much better. No more bloating. No more stomach aches. No more irregularities in going to the bathroom. I would highly suggest the food sensitivity test to anybody who has any sort of stomach related issues going on and wants some real answers! Everlywell also offers a food sensitivity expansion test if there are other foods that you would like to be tested against that weren’t covered in the regular test.

Needless to say, the Everlywell food sensitivity test worked great for me! It was quick, easy to use, and I got my results in a timely manner. I will be following up with my primary care physician for some additional food allergy testing. I hope my review helped shed some light on whether or not this test would be right for you.

Have you tried Everlywell‘s food sensitivity test? Let me know your results in the comments!

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